Friday, December 23, 2011

Ahh, the holidays have left my wallet a broken shell of a receipt holder.  I have so much equipment I need to replace and nary the funds to make it happen.  So in the spirit of brewing against all odds, I placed an order with my favorite brew shop for the Quick and Dirty version of a Double Chocolate Stout.  Because who doesn't like it quick and dirty?  My lovely assistant is sure to enjoy this one, it being one of her favorites.  And I'm looking forward to playing with extract brewing because I jumped right into all grain when I started and never looked back.

On a side note.  If any one wants to contribute to the brewing equipment replacement fund, feel free to send me some FRN's on paypal at

Wishing you all a Merry Yule,
Uncle Adrian

Monday, December 19, 2011

Brewing Update

Wow, I can't believe it's been since march when I last posted. So much has gone on. I am now living in Texas and trying to get my brew set up rebuilt, so there should be a few good posts over the rest of the winter and spring.

Here is what I have going on now:
Chocolate Mead
Rose Mead
Ginger Peach Wine
Apple Cider

All that is still in aging, and I hope to bottle in about 3 or 4 months. Taste tests are promising so far.

And my future plans revolve a bit around the kegging system I just bought from the good people up at Midwest Brewing Supply. It's a basic set up that I can expand on. Two Corney Kegs, one 5lb co2 and a double dual gauge regulator, along with a couple of picnic taps for now. Eventually I'd like to expand to a 6 keg system with a tower mount on top a freezer.

So right after Newyears I will be putting some cider in bottles and kegging the rest. I have the ingredients for a keg of old fashioned cream soda on the way as well for the kids and my lovely assistant. Then in February when I have my brewing set up all back together I have a Braggot and a chocolate stout in the the works.

I'm going to try to keep the posts updated more frequently, so please check back. Now that I'm doing more beer I should have pics more frequently.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Just popped the cork on a bottle of "Sneaky Mead".  Bottled this up back in 09.  It got the name because when I gave a friend a couple bottles, she asked me what it was like (never having had mead) and the only accurate descriptor I could come up with was "Sneaky". 

I am very happy with the way this mead has aged, the oak flavor mellowed out quite nicely.  Good subtle clover honey flavor with a hint of oak, semi dry and big legs.  Better look over your shoulder, because a bottle is all it takes to sneak up on you.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Busy week!

Very happy I got to get some work done this week!  A few days ago I started off a "Rose Mead" using a combination of organic rose petals and southern wild honey.

And just today Pops and I started a Braggot.  That is a cross between a beer and a mead, using both malt grains and honey for the fermenting base.  I used a wild flower honey that is native to the Houston Texas area that I picked up on my travels.  It has a very strong flavor to it that I think will compliment the malt and hopps well.

And this is a batch of Brochet I started on nearly 2 months ago.  It is made buy burning the honey and is very strong in a flavor resembling something like roasted marshmallows.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Just got her cranked up today, y'all bare with me while I get some posts and pics up over the next few days.